!Account2 - Changes and revisions ================================= 1.27 24/04/05 Global category change added to "find" facility Items can be deleted from "last 10 files" menu - (SHIFT-CLICK over menu item) Option to turn category loading off when importing QIF files Up-Down Arrow keys scroll the display Last date of linked transactions appears correctly Printing problem of sub-accounts with inkjet and bubble jet printers solved Added more save warnings after changes to file in memory Correct category displays immediately in main window after an entry in subaccount window Direct debit setup doesn't crash if suspend or reinstate is pressed whilst a new transfer is being set up Every "n" days in Direct Debit calculations now accounts for Leap Years Every "n" days last transfer date doesn't default to 31 Every "n" days and fixed term tranfers can now be set to subcategory values Totals don't overprint in automated transfer reports Sub-category "a1" totals were not being calculated in some reports. This is now fixed 1.26 06/08/04 Categories can now be stored with abbreviation tables for easier quick input. Duplicated entries can be searched for and removed. This is useful when importing CSV and QIF files (particularly from internet banking sources) where transactions may overlap. The bug which prevented categories from being cancelled in the direct debit and payment reminder tables has been cured. 1.25d 05/05/03 Compression of files in 1.25c caused problems for 32 bit users 1.25c 01/06/03 Clicking MENU over the "last file saved" icon on the toolbar now displays a menu of the last 10 files saved to allow for easy loading of frequently used files. When using "last file saved" facility, an error message box now replaces the previous fatal error when trying to load a file which has been moved, renamed or deleted since saving. Balance and Statement icons now display more digits. (Am I becoming richer?!) Sub-categories of categories K to T were not being shown in the sub-category menus. This has now been cured. Pressing RETURN in account details window did not save details. This is now cured. 1.25b 05/05/03 Clicking over any field in the Transaction details window produces a report of all transactions where there is a match with the field you clicked. Bank account details can be entered and saved with the account file. "This Account" box on toolbar now allows up to 16 characters in the account name. It is no longer necessary to press RETURN after creating new category and sub-category names. v1.25 23/03/03 Each of the exsisting 20 Categories can now have nine sub-categories defined to make it easier to refine your reports and budgetting. The sub-account of the "Master" category displays all sub-category entries. Memos can now be written to remind you to pay bills etc. (with up to a month's early warning) and a payment reminder window is displayed when you load the account file if any payments are due (similar to Alarms in Organiser). Moving the cursor to another cell in the main window now automatically saves the cell you left (so at last it is no longer necessary to press return after each entry). If a fatal error occurs, Account2 will now attempt to save your work to a scrap file, and warn you when you next start up the application. now toggles the taxable status of a transaction for easy marking (without the need to have the details window open). Slight change to category budget setting - The budget amount is now active as soon as it is entered, and the redundant save button has been replaced with an undo button to restore the budget to that when the file was loaded. v1.24c 21/01/03 Taxable status, reconciliation and entry-type information is passed for each transaction when linking files. Saved files are now only as long as necessary, regardless of maximum transaction number. With earlier file formats this had previously been a problem because of file linking. Some warning messages built in when trying to load earlier files if the maximum transactions set is unsuitable. v1.24b 17/01/03 Some file loading problems and file linking problems in v.1.24 have been solved v.1.24 15/01/03 Now utilises Version 3.20 of Martin Avison's ArmSort, so is now 32 bit compatible. Number of maximum transactions can be set by the user. Automatic transfers and individual manual entries can be marked to show that they are Taxable Income or Tax deductable expenses. Reports on taxable income/expenses can be generated to help calculate tax liability. A report on Automatic tranfers can be created. A Transaction Details window can be opened to get more information about transactions. Improvement to date input. Year can now be entered using the "quick" input method. On error, the previously shown date is returned immediately. Any automatic transfers which have not been "seen" by the end of December are no longer lost when the file is first loaded in January. Write cursor positioning in main windows is now more accurate (middle of "write pointer" is active; not the top). If faster redraw is selected, a copied transaction is now pasted in the correct place. v.1.23 28/11/02 The number of possible Automatic transfers (direct debits, standing orders) raised from 20 to 40. You are now warned if you try to create more than 40 transfers. Automatic transfers can be suspended, and re-instated individually or on mass. Option to suspend transfers when producing a "reconciled only" file. This is useful when archiving files. The direct debit window is updated on loading a new account. "!Type:Oth A" and "!Type:Oth L" QIF files are now recognised and imported. Date import type on QIF import can be set to dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy in Choices..... Clicking Adjust on the report icon opens the report directory. Fixed bug in fixed term transfers when starting a transfer in a month mid-year. (Wrong number of tranfers were appearing) Had introduced a bug in an earlier version where it became possible to link to the same file as that in memory. This in now cured. v.1.22 16/09/02 QIF file import is now possible from programs such as Quicken or Money. Reconciled balance of individual categories is now displayed in sub-accounts. Reconciliation is now possible from a sub-account window. Abbreviation, category and option files are now placed in a new directory "user" (or !Boot:Choices) to avoid upgrades overwriting user data. Larger totals are displayed (up to £999,999.99 in individual entries and £9,999,999.99 in balances). More reports of spending patterns and predictions, budgeting and cash flow can be created. Only changed balances are displayed. Splitting a transaction amount between several categories has been simplified. Main window is now immediately updated after editing a transaction in a sub-account window. A message is given when trying to load a protected account. I have finally stopped the program from adding random extra blank rows (sometimes many) when editing sub-accounts, importing CSV files or when direct debit transfers are automatically created. This has also cured the occasional danger of post-dated entries being overwritten. Category monthly credits and debits in the budgeting window were the wrong way round. This is now cured. ------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.21 15/07/02 Basic QIF exporting introduced Transfers which did not run from month 1 can be made to do so when "refreshed" New set of sprites and templates designed by Chris Wraight Menu structure tidied up ------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.20 20/06/02 Forecasting of future balances is more flexible. Possible to set budgets for each category and be warned about going over budget. Overall and daily average spending reports for each category. CSV import can include short month names (Jan, Feb, Mar etc.) Bug cured in date import if year spacer is a dash(-). Slight change to password coding, and cured the bug where loading and saving a pre 1.19 file could be accidentally saved with the wrong password. Up and Down arrow keys now allow movement to adjacent rows, saving changed cells in the process. -------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.19c 13/05/02 Mainly a bug fix - weekly/fortnightly transfers were not being sorted properly in version 1.19, but took opportunity to make transfers possible any number between 7 and 28 days instead of just weekly or fortnightly. File linking now works again. First use of Help from main window also runs iconbar !help. Every /n/ days in Direct Debit set-up window now displays correctly when a new transfer is being created. ------------------------------------------------------------ v.1.19 08/05/02 Password protection is now available for individual account files. Frequency of fixed term transfers can now be set to any number of months between 1 and 12, so (for example) quarterly and 6 monthly payments can easily be set up. Search and replace facility is much improved. It's now possible to save to the currently loaded account just by selecting SAVE from the main menu. Cured problem of calculator intermittently not opening, and of StrongHelp loading when the cursor is in row 4 as calculator icon is clicked. CSV settings show correctly after NEW --------------------------------------------------------- v.1.18 16/04/02 CSV import is now possible by dragging a CSV file to the main window. Import date options added to "choices" on iconbar. Internal transfers between sub-accounts can now be coded to up to five different categories. A monthly "fixed-term" direct debit can be set to run for up to 48 months. New icon for opening direct debit info window (ADJUST-click opens a new set up window). A "reconciled only" editor has been added to the main menu, to create an account leaving only transactions which have been added to the statement balance. ADJUST-clicking over the category column in the main window opens the sub-account window directly. Shift-Click SELECT to delete a category. (used to be ADJUST-click) Sub-account window is now closed when any editing in main window is done to avoid the possibility of overwriting data. Stopped crash when selecting refresh in new direct debit set up window. ------------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.17a 04/01/02 fixed bug where program crashes when requesting a report ("Analysis" in "Select sub account" window) after a NEW YEAR reset. cursor does not disappear when pressing RETURN if quicker re-draw is selected. Transactions added to statement balance now show chosen background colour after search and replace. ----------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.17 20/11/01 If you enter transactions with a date which has not yet arrived (postdated), you can either choose to include these in the present balance, or wait until the transaction date arrives You can also set an alarm to warn you (when you load an account) that a postdated entry has reached its inclusion date transactions added to statement balance now show chosen background colour straight away (previously it went grey first) ---------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.16b 30/09/01 Removed bad compression that stopped sorting from working v.1.16a 05/09/01 Cured problem of crash when running Account2 by double-click a file. v.1.16 01/09/01 Added running balance to sub-account windows Changed !Sprites22 to MODE 20 sprites for the benefit of OS 3.5 (and earlier) users. (There is an original set of 16 colour sprites in sprite-ex directory) Added "choices" to barmenu. -------------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.15 28/08/01 Added Integrated Stronghelp utility from the files prepared by J.McCulloch. Printing of sub-accounts (with running balance) is now possible. Added DETAILS Search and Replace facility. "Ctrl" now needs to be held down before NEW can be selected (as an extra safeguard). Selecting PRINT with no driver loaded no longer crashes the program. Stopped crash when selecting DELETE in an empty direct debit setup window. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.14 06/08/01 *Mostly worked on extending flexibility of direct debit transfers. Direct debits can now be set for transfers weekly, fortnightly and up to four specified days each month. Some editing of direct debits is possible (amount, details and category) Automatic internal transfers between sub-accounts can be set. All direct debits can be refreshed in one action. A new year reset option is available which leaves only transactions which have not been seen on a statement, and creates a "Balance brought forward". You can forecast your balance for any specified date in the rest of the year. Reduced number of icons in main window to solve problem with other applications who don't like to see more than (I think) 153 icons in one window. Maximum number of transactions in main account raised to 500 (from 400) and to 300 in Sub-accounts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.13b 29/06/01 Fixed bug where the last entry made in the main window could be overwritten by a subsequent entry made from a sub-account window. v.1.13 28/06/01 *Mostly worked on developing sub-account facilities.* Internal linked transfers between sub-account are now possible. This time really(!) cured problem of false dates appearing when making an incorrect date entry in a sub-account window. (It only worked on "quick date entry" before) Different sub-account displays can be selected from any sub-account window. Calculations can now be used in the sub-account credit and debit fields. Balance of credit and debits now shown in sub-account window. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.12 23/06/01 Added an abbreviation table so transaction details that you enter frequently can be reduced to a single keypress (or whatever you choose). Entries to the credit and debit fields can be the result of a calculation if desired. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ v.1.11 17/06/01 Up to 20 transactions can be selected for copying, pasting, deleting and transferring to linked accounts. Convert Debits/Credits selection now stays on same setting after "NEW" is selected. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.10a 16/06/01 Added !sprites (forgot!). Cured the mistake that had crept into the code for loading a pre-1.06 file. v.1.10 15/06/01 Accounts can now be linked to each other for easier transfer of transactions. Cured problem of false dates appearing when making an incorrect date entry in a sub-account window. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.09 04/06/01 More comprehensive sorting facility added. Accounts can now be sorted by category, transactions details, debits and credits as well as by date order. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.08 27/04/01 Sub-accounts can be edited and new entries made directly into the sub-account. Category menus are now only created when OK is clicked in category window (to save memory) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.07b 23/04/01 Made cursor cycle on last row of main window. "Blank" dates show current date (not 00/00/xxxx) for easier input. Cured problem with "convert debits/credits" button in sub-account window sometimes not showing its true setting. v.1.07a 22/04/01 Direct debit transactions can now be given categories. Much more detailed reports can be extracted from categories, including "virtual accounts" for each category. Sprites reworked to reduce sprite file size. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.06d 18/04/01 Toolbar now does not disappear when "Back" button is pressed. Statement-selected transactions now shown as shaded instead of inverted. (easier on the eye) Caret now cycles between three main data cells after pressing return, rather than disappearing. v.1.06c 16/04/01 FILETYPE CHANGE - type now registered as 0x19c "Back" button on main window works now. Changed compression utility for one that works! - Decimal places (pence) were giving erroneous readings with the old one, and amounts less than 0.99p were not appearing in the report window. Cured bug introduced in 1.06a where cancelling loading had stopped working. 20 characters are now allowed in category titles. v.1.06b 07/04/01 SAVE and LOAD category option introduced, to allow category data to be passed from one account to another. v.1.06a 05/04/01 Transactions can now be given a category (20 possible) to identify the type of transaction. Reports can then be produced on how much you spend or earn in each category. Reversed Credit and Debit columns in main window in response to a comment that bank statements are usually shown this way. Credit and Debit Cells containing zero made blank rather than 0.00 Adjust-clicking the navigation icons on the right now reverses the direction of movement. I thank Rex Palmer for pointing out to me this common practice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.05a 13/03/01 Entries made in direct debit transaction window are now sorted by date automatically once SAVE is clicked (This works even if you don't make any alterations to the transactions, so accounts which have already been started can be sorted). Implemented "delete tranfer" function in direct debit table. Trapped day numbers below 1 and above 31 in direct debit table. Trapped month numbers below 1 and above 12 in direct debit table. Implemented "Load last file saved" feature. This makes it easier to load a frequently used file. Deleted option to Save an account by just clicking SAVE in main menu. This was sometimes saving to the wrong path name. Haven't worked out the problem yet! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.04b 22/02/01 Improved printing facility, adding an option to print only part of the account. Added a row counter to the main window to help navigate the account and for help in printing part of the account. v.1.04a 21/02/01 Completely re-wrote the coding for display of decimal places (pennies) to get rid of the bug which occasionally caused erroneous figures to be displayed. (All previously saved files will be fine) Made "balances in the red" show in red (boo-hoo!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.03c 19/02/01 Introduced an information window for direct debit transactions. Cured problem of "End month" entries not working. v.1.03b 13/02/01 Introduced a new date entry method, so that the date can be entered very quickly when the year is the current year. Improved the interactive help. v.1.03a 09/02/01 Added integrated printing and improved the look of the main window, including a new set of toolbar icons at the top of the main window. Cured oversight of making main balance icons writable. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.02a 31/01/01 Improved options for export. v.1.02 30/01/01 Added CSV and TSV export. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- v.1.01a 29/01/01 Improved Sprites and general look of main window. v.1.00 06/01/01 First release since conversion from non-WIMP original. ----------------------------------------------------------------------